Hello Parents and Athletes,
My name is Coach Bohn, and I am the 7th grade girls athletics coach for volleyball, basketball, and track. I also teach sixth grade Science, so most of you know me already. I am beyond excited about this upcoming season and have high hopes and expectations for this next generation of Ladynecks.
The girls will be starting with volleyball this fall, basketball from November till the end of January, and track from February through April. I do believe at this age level every athlete needs to TRY every sport. You never know for sure what you may enjoy or be good at. If for some reason an athlete does not want to continue playing the current sport, they will go through an offseason program during the athletic period.
I believe it is wise to inform you that all of these sports require a great deal of running and fitness, including the offseason program. If this is not what you had in mind then P.E. may be a better alternative for you.
On the first day of school, athletes will meet at the New Middle School Gym no later than 7:50 am for the first period to go over expectations and issue out all equipment and lockers. Students will also be issued a lock and are responsible for keeping their equipment locked up each day.
It is crucial that athletes pass all of their classes throughout the school year. Grade checks will be every 3 weeks. If an athlete’s name comes up on this report once they will be given a warning and one time pass to get things corrected. If their name comes up again on a new report, they will be required to drop athletics and move to P.E.
Also, if players are having discipline issues outside of athletics, I hold the right to remove them from our program. I will not tolerate misbehavior in the classrooms or elsewhere. Three strikes is the limit.
Starting Monday, August 15th, those playing volleyball will start practice at 7:00 in the morning. This means they will need to be ready to practice at 7:00, not arriving, dressing out, putting up hair, using the bathroom, etc. Athletes not ready to start practice at 7 or show up later will have extra conditioning for tardiness.
I will arrive at the gym no earlier than 6:45 every morning. Please do not plan on being here earlier as the kids will be left unattended. Also, please note, I have the right to change practice on short notice if an emergency comes up which you would then be notified via the sportsYou app (Please see instructions below to join).
At the end of practice each morning I will give the students 8-10 minutes to get dressed and ready for 2nd period. This is plenty of time to get presentable and is non-negotiable. Tardies to second period WILL NOT be tolerated. If this is a problem, P.E. may be a better option.
Please be aware that parent notes excusing your child from workouts will only be honored ONE day. If they require sitting out longer than that, I will need a Dr’s note to excuse them. Also, while I understand there are injuries that can keep kids from working out, please encourage your child to “keep trying” to work out because that is something we will ask of them throughout their athletic career. If parent notes become extremely frequent I will email or call you to see what is going on.
Parents and athletes NEED to please subscribe to this blog because that is where I will announce teams for the upcoming week’s game.
We have our first game on August 22nd in Union Grove so I will assign 10-12 players per team (A and B). The teams are subject to change, so athletes will be encouraged to continuously compete and earn their spot. Also, be aware that not all schools have enough athletes to put together a secondary B team. As soon as I find out which teams do and do not, I will inform you.
Playing time will NOT be negotiable between player and coach, or between coach and parent. If the girls have a question about their playing time they need to come talk to me about what they can do to improve, not the parents. If you have a concern I would be more than happy to set up a meeting with you and the rest of the coaching staff to address the matter (Coaches will not meet individually with parents).
If there are any other questions please feel free to email me.
****Please subscribe to my athletic’s blog for all the latest updates: https://womsladynecks.wonecks.net/
Coach Bohn
[email protected]
903-291-2096 (School)
With the amount of girls and parents that are involved in 7th grade athletics, I ask that the girls, parents, guardians, etc. sign up for a texting service that allows me to directly text the whole group without actually having a group message. Please scan the QR code and download the sportsYou app.