Hello Parents and Athletes,
My name is Coach Bohn, and I am the 7th grade girls’ Athletic Coach for volleyball, basketball, and track. I also teach sixth grade Science, so most of you know me already.
Just to give you a quick year at a glance, the girls will be starting with volleyball this fall, followed by basketball in November through January, and track from February through April. Needless to say, it will be a busy year for most.
If a child chooses not to play one of these sports, they will still be in Athletics and go through an offseason program starting at 7:45 each morning.
I believe it is wise to also inform you that all of these sports require a great deal of conditioning and fitness, including the offseason programs. Continual failure to complete conditioning will be cause for dismissal from Athletics.
On the first day of school, August 12th, athletes will need to meet in the New Middle School Gym at 7:45 am for first period to go over the rules and expectations of being a Ladyneck. I will be sending home an agreement form that will need to be signed by both player and parent/guardian to be brought back by the following Monday, August 16th.
On Friday, August 13th, we will hand out athletic equipment, so please have your child at the New Middle School Gym by 7:30 am. I will open the doors at 7:15. Please note that each player will be responsible to keep up with their equipment throughout the school year, and will be obligated to pay for any lost items at $20 a piece.
Monday, August 16th, starting at 7:00 a.m. sharp, we will begin our first volleyball practice. The doors to the New Middle School Gym will open at 6:45 am. Parents/guardians, please make sure you have your child there on time. Athletes who are late to practice will have extra conditioning. We will start practice every morning at this time unless I announce otherwise. I will arrive at the gym no earlier than 6:45 every morning. Please do not plan on being here earlier as the kids will be left unattended.
The workout shirt and shorts issued out will be required to wear everyday for practice. Failure to do so will result in extra conditioning. Also, I will be issuing out shoes for volleyball if needed. Girls may purchase their own pair if they would like, I only require they be white, black, or a combination of both.
Furthermore, it is crucial that athletes pass all of their classes throughout the school year. Any athlete failing consecutive grade checks will be moved to offseason for the remainder of the grading period. Any athlete failing 2 consecutive 9 weeks will be removed from athletics for the remainder of the year.
Also, the Ladyneck program expects athletes to conduct themselves to a higher standard in and outside the classroom. Most of this I will go over in greater detail on Thursday, but please know that major discipline violations of behavior standards will be handled first with extra conditioning. Second time offenders will have extra conditioning and one game suspension. Third time offenders will be removed from Athletics.
At the end of practice each morning I will give the students 8-10 minutes to get dressed and be ready for 2nd period. This is plenty of time to get presentable and is non-negotiable. Tardies to second period WILL NOT be tolerated.
Please be aware that parent notes excusing your child from workouts will only be honored ONE day. If they require sitting out longer than that, I will need a Dr.’s note to excuse them. If possible, injured players need to see White Oak’s trainer before going to see a family physician. While I understand there are injuries that can keep kids from working out, please encourage your child to “keep trying” to work out because that is something we will ask of them throughout their athletic career. If parent notes become frequent then a meeting will be arranged with parents and coaches to discuss the ongoing issues.
Furthermore, we MUST have a physical on file before an athlete can participate. Therefore, you MUST have a physical completed BEFORE the first day of school.
We have our first volleyball game on August 23rd in White Oak (see schedule below). The coaches and I will choose 10-12 players for both an A and B team. These teams are subject to change, so athletes will be encouraged to continuously compete and earn their spot. Also, be aware that not all schools have enough athletes to put together a secondary B team. As soon as I find out which teams do and do not have a B team, I will inform you.
Playing time will NOT be negotiable between player and coach, or between coach and parent. If an athlete has a question about their playing time then they need to meet with myself and the other coaches to discuss what they can improve on.
Parents, I want to encourage you to please maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards all athletes and myself throughout the school year. If you ever have a concern please feel free to email me, and if needed we can set up a meeting with you and the rest of the coaching staff to address the matter (Coaches will not meet individually with parents).
If there are any other questions please feel free to email me.
****Lastly, please subscribe to this athletic blog for all the latest updates and join the Remind group (see instructions below).
Looking forward to a great year!
Coach Bohn
[email protected]
903-291-2096 (School)
Remind 101
With the amount of girls and parents that are involved in 7th grade athletics, I ask that the girls, parents, guardians, etc. sign up for a texting service that allows me to directly text the whole group without actually having a group message.
How to subscribe: On you cell phone, text @wo7th to the number 81010
Or you can go to https://www.remind.com/join/wo7th